Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing refers to data and application being stored and run on a remote servers rather than being on your local computer.

The application or data that are on these remote servers are accessed and run via the internet so the workload is no longer on your local computer, its on the cloud.

Ex - Email - If you want to use email in your hoe or office, you need your own physical email server.

You will have a server, an operating system and email software like microsoft exchange, then you would be able to use email.

But if anything goes wrong such as a hardware failure or software problem or if the operating system crashed then you would be responsible for fixing the problem.

Now, you have the option of eliminating all those and upkeep your own email server and have a company host all your email on their servers on the cloud for you.

For ex - hotmail and gmail.

Email is just one example of cloud computing.

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